Your Aging Workforce

Not every voyage comes with a nautical chart and compass

The senior segment of your workforce is anxious and has many questions. The type of information they receive and how it is communicated can make all the difference.  It often seems like every situation is unique even though the issues themselves might be similar for everyone.

  • Can I retire or must I continue to work for affordable healthcare?
  • Should I enroll in an individual Medicare option or remain on the employer plan?
  • Should I waive coverage for my Medicare-eligible spouse or maintain the dependent group coverage?
  • What steps do I need to take once I decide to retire?

How will your Medicare-eligible employees and their dependents navigate these waters?

Employees often turn to Human Resources for help but the complexity of the questions, the timing of events and the sheer volume of options can be overwhelming for even the most devoted and proficient HR Department.

Beacon can help guide the way

We educate employees who are at or near Medicare eligibility in a simple, stress-free manner.  Our only objective is to help your employees make informed decisions relating to their pre and post-retirement healthcare.