Client Testimonials

Beacon has an obligation to play a key role in the solution to the challenges facing our healthcare system.  We have observed that Beacon not only meets this obligation but ensures our retirees are served well by negotiating competitive and comprehensive benefit plans.

Beacon offers affordable Medicare plans to Electric Boat’s Medicare-eligible retirees, and their spouses.  We have received very positive feedback from retirees because of the cost savings in the Beacon plans and the personal attention Beacon gives each and every member.   The one-on-one attention during Beacon’s monthly educational meetings here in Groton has simplified the process of transitioning to Medicare and Medicare plans for our retirees and their spouses as they become Medicare eligible.  We now also have so many employees retiring after age 65 so this extra handholding has been invaluable as these employees prepare for retirement. 

On behalf of the Electric Boat Benefits organization, we would like to offer our appreciation to Beacon for continuing to serve our retirees, who are the esteemed pioneers of our company and deserve the very best.

Human Resources/Benefits Department
Electric Boat Corporation

I have been involved with the HR side of our business for Monroe Public Schools, first as the Assistant Superintendent and now as the superintendent for the past 7 years.  Beacon Retiree Benefits Group has partnered with us to manage our retiree health care needs for all of the time I have been involved.  I cannot imagine a better partner than Beacon.  Every year, our retired employees relay positive interactions with the people at Beacon.  They are courteous and kind to anyone who calls and they know that health care can be complicated and confusing for our retired employees.  Every phone call is answered by a knowledgeable Beacon partner that can answer all of our retiree’s questions and concerns.

 From the district’s perspective, Beacon strives to give us the best service while containing the cost to the district and our retirees.  Their understanding of insurance contributes to the positive experience that we all have with them.  I know that if I, or one of our retired employees, have an issue or questions, it will be handled with the utmost professionalism and quality from the Beacon Team.  Partnering with Beacon Retiree Benefits Group was the best thing we have done to enhance the insurance experience for our retired employees.

John Battista, former Superintendent (retired June 2018)
Monroe Public Schools